Repair Beauty, Hair and Health Issues Without Chemicals

Public Health

My primary health journey go to products were MSM, coconut oil, jojoba oil and safflower oil. But, I began exploring with many other natural products as well. I consistently mixed ingredients attempting to create the perfect product. I completely stopped using over the counter medications.

I am a mom to 3 little girls and my youngest baby developed eczema. After several trips to the pediatrician with no luck, I decided to try coconut and jojoba oil on her skin. After a few days, my little one was no longer itching. My only regret is why I didn't try this first.

My oldest daughter developed a mild acne issue during her pre-teen years. Guess what mommy did? I mixed up a Vitamin C and Witch hazel wash and a coconut oil and jojoba oil moisturizer mix. My daughter's skin cleared completely.

I, myself, had been feeling a little lethargic. So, I decided to mix up MSM in about a cup of water. I added vitamin C for the taste and to increase absorbency. MSM has powerful cleansing abilities. After about a week, my energy level had surpassed what I expected. The body uses MSM to regenerate healthy cells, which explains why it works so well.

Another surprise about MSM is that it solved my asthma issue. I have had asthma since I was a little one. I suffered with this ailment most of my life. After a few months of taking my MSM concoction for energy, I noticed that I didn't need to use my inhaler. What the? Now, THIS was an awesome surprise! I am now able to run and exercise without my inhaler.

My medicine cabinet no longer consists of over the counter products. It consists of naturally organic elements from the earth. Castor oil for constipation. Witch hazel and coconut oil for rashes. Safflower oil for moisturizing hair. Breast milk... yes breast milk... for diaper rashes (This works for me as I'm currently nursing). Let's not forgot the power of Shea Butter. Shea Butter is great for healing rashes. My little family appears to be healthier and happier than ever.

Healing powers exist right within nature. Who knew huh? Instead of using products created in labs, what about using products grown from the earth. If chemicals were necessary, how did our ancestors survive so well? Discovering natural healing product solutions for my family was one of the best decisions I've ever made. It solved our skin, health and hair issues better than any chemically produced product that I've ever encountered.

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