Benefits of Public Health Education

Public health education can be considered an ambiguous term. It teaches the proper way to improve one's health, and can involve only one or two people, or the population of several countries.

Child Health - What Can We Do?

There is a lot of concern about child health in America at the moment. This is not a new phenomenon - Calvin Coolidge instigated the annual 'Child Health Day' in 1928.

Why Choose Home Health Test Kits?

The privacy and convenience of health testing has become possible nowadays by the creation of the medically approved home kits that help people determine whether they are facing a health crisis or not long before going to a clinic for investigations.

The Significance of Health Care Education

Before we come to the practice of health care education, we must know the principles involved. Health care education brings together the art and science of medicine along with the principles and practice of general education.

Top 10 Health Care Careers

There are many different careers in health care, but these top 10 health care careers are the best choices of the moment.

Cure Your Bad Psoriasis Today!

cure for psoriasis

A Psoriasis Diet

Changing what you eat can have all the impact on the planet, especially if you have psoriasis. The body is stacked with harms from the air we breathe in to the sustenance we eat. The best way to deal with oust these toxic substances is through the pee and not through the skin; this is especially basic for sufferers of psoriasis.

If you are resolved to have psoriasis, it is best to change your dietary examples as fast as time licenses to decrease the reactions. Eating whole sustenance as opposed to dealt with food is a better than average start. You have to keep the toxins in the system to a base and this ought to be conceivable by eating characteristic create as opposed to deliver created using pesticides. In case normal sustenance is out of your range, make a point to, at any rate to wash off verdant nourishments well to oust each one of the chemicals.

Unrefined is the best way to deal with eat up vegetables since they lose a couple of supplements when cooked. Rough vegetables are higher in fiber and are straightforward for the stomach related structure to deal with. Simple sustenances that give food that are easy to the stomach related structure to handle are beans, angle, nuts, green, verdant vegetables, and fresh natural item. The more verdant sustenances that are in your eating regimen the more shocking you are to make extreme touchiness.

Fats are consistently not uncommon for your body, yet rather the body needs a little measure of unsaturated fats to genuinely work. Unsaturated fats have affect in discarding and lessening irritation. A segment of the best unsaturated fats you can add to the eating routine are cool water angle, flax seed, and green verdant vegetables.

High sodium sustenance is terrible for you and it can abandon you got dried out. Not all salt is made proportional. Changing out your refined salt with sea salt is more ordinary, cool headed choice. Regular sea salt will raise your essentialness, quiet the indications of excessive touchiness and rashes, secure against radiation, alter the destructive in the body, give you fundamental minerals, add imperiousness to tainting, and supplant lost electrolytes.

It's truly all beautiful simple,By simply changing what you eat, the body can make moves to regularly recover itself and remain sound. So try it out, you don't have anything to lose recapture your certainty and take the jump to more advantageous living!

Is There A Known Psoriasis Cause?

Psoriasis Cause

You may already know that psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious skin disease that millions of people suffer from in the United States. If you have this problem yourself, you may be wondering what the psoriasis cause is. And there are many differing opinions on this...

Scientists, researchers and medical professionals feel psoriasis is caused by a problem with our body's own immune system. Sometimes referred to as an imbalance of the immune system, and sometimes referred to as an over reaction of our immune system.

When something happens to cause our body's immune system to kick in, it reacts in ways to protect itself. With psoriasis, it does this through the skin. Normally a human body sheds it's dead skin cells about every thirty days. During those thirty days, new skin cells are developing deep below the surface of the skin, and slowly rising to the top. By the time our existing skin cells are ready to shed, the new ones have risen to the top to replace them.

With psoriasis however, this process is accelerated. The new skin cells rise to the surface much more rapidly - within three to five days in fact. So they reach the surface before the existing skin is ready to start shedding. This creates a pile up of skin material, which manifests itself in the common form of psoriasis which involves having flaky scales.

Medical professionals say psoriasis may be caused by specific events, or triggers in our lives. People often develop psoriasis after a specific incident happens for instance. These psoriasis causes are referred to as triggers, and they're often similar types of incidents. Getting a severe illness or infection such as strep throat for instance, is often a psoriasis cause. Other things such as hitting a time of extreme stress in your life can also be a psoriasis cause though.

Alternative medicine specialists disagree on these points however. They feel psoriasis is caused by much deeper problems within your body and it's major internal organs.

The liver for instance, is thought to be a psoriasis cause if it's not functioning properly. Since the liver is our body's waste disposal and toxin filtering facility, if that organ isn't working properly that can cause toxins and waste to be backed up in our bodies. And when those toxins get backed up, our body tries to release them in other ways, such as through the skin.

Another major organ in your body thought to cause psoriasis is the colon. Since your colon is the primary method used within our bodies to remove waste and toxins, if that is not working properly it can cause psoriasis among many other health conditions.

By cleaning your liver, helping it to repair and heal, and flushing all the built up toxins from your colon, alternative medical specialists feel you'll be eliminating the true psoriasis cause instead of simply treating the symptoms as mainstream medical professionals do.

Note: Statements in this article are not approved by the FDA, and should not be considered as professional medical advice.

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Repair Beauty, Hair and Health Issues Without Chemicals

Public Health

My primary health journey go to products were MSM, coconut oil, jojoba oil and safflower oil. But, I began exploring with many other natural products as well. I consistently mixed ingredients attempting to create the perfect product. I completely stopped using over the counter medications.

I am a mom to 3 little girls and my youngest baby developed eczema. After several trips to the pediatrician with no luck, I decided to try coconut and jojoba oil on her skin. After a few days, my little one was no longer itching. My only regret is why I didn't try this first.

My oldest daughter developed a mild acne issue during her pre-teen years. Guess what mommy did? I mixed up a Vitamin C and Witch hazel wash and a coconut oil and jojoba oil moisturizer mix. My daughter's skin cleared completely.

I, myself, had been feeling a little lethargic. So, I decided to mix up MSM in about a cup of water. I added vitamin C for the taste and to increase absorbency. MSM has powerful cleansing abilities. After about a week, my energy level had surpassed what I expected. The body uses MSM to regenerate healthy cells, which explains why it works so well.

Another surprise about MSM is that it solved my asthma issue. I have had asthma since I was a little one. I suffered with this ailment most of my life. After a few months of taking my MSM concoction for energy, I noticed that I didn't need to use my inhaler. What the? Now, THIS was an awesome surprise! I am now able to run and exercise without my inhaler.

My medicine cabinet no longer consists of over the counter products. It consists of naturally organic elements from the earth. Castor oil for constipation. Witch hazel and coconut oil for rashes. Safflower oil for moisturizing hair. Breast milk... yes breast milk... for diaper rashes (This works for me as I'm currently nursing). Let's not forgot the power of Shea Butter. Shea Butter is great for healing rashes. My little family appears to be healthier and happier than ever.

Healing powers exist right within nature. Who knew huh? Instead of using products created in labs, what about using products grown from the earth. If chemicals were necessary, how did our ancestors survive so well? Discovering natural healing product solutions for my family was one of the best decisions I've ever made. It solved our skin, health and hair issues better than any chemically produced product that I've ever encountered.

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Health Information Technology Degree

health public

There are two different categories of technology of human resources in the healthcare industry. They are Healthcare IT and Informatics Professionals. The informatics professionals more often deal with the investigation and explanation of experimental information and remedial information, whereas the healthcare information technology professionals holds the servers, hardware, software and installation services in general connected with a distinctive IT department. The professionals in the field of associates of applied science in this field are in charge for the accurate maintenance of patient's health check records and association.

Coursework included in Healthcare IT Programs

A person should focus and be appropriate in the perceptions and proficiencies to real world situations. The set of courses in this field includes these attractive career courses: -
  • Legal and Regulatory Issues in Health Information
  • Basic Medical Terminology
  • International Classification of Diseases coding I
  • Health Insurance and Reimbursement
  • Introduction to Health Services and Information Systems
Careers in Health IT field

There are many career opportunities for associates of applied science in this field. The Healthcare Information Technicians are mostly employed at: -
  • Hospitals
  • Public health organizations
  • Home health agencies
  • Nursing homes
  • Ambulatory care practices
  • Medical group practices
  • Insurance Companies
Goals of Health Information Technology Program

It is expected by the students at the completion of the program that they will be able to: -
  1. Effectively geared up as fitness information technicians in health informatics.
  2. Practice as Health Data Technicians in health statistics and quality management.
  3. Organized as Health Selective Information Technicians in health informatics.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge in medical terminology, pharmacology, anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology.
  5. Prepare as a Technician in health data management.
  6. In arranging Health Content Technicians in health services organization freedom comparably in Medical Law and Ethical Standards.
Courses in Health Information Technology Degree

Some of the courses in Health Information Technology Degree are: -
  • Health Insurance Management
  • Healthcare Delivery Systems
  • Legal Aspects of Health Care
  • Computerized Practice Management
  • Principles of Management
  • Career Development
  • Medical Terminology and Pharmacology
  • Human Resource Management
  • Microcomputer Concepts and Keyboarding
  • Managing the Medical Office
  • Introduction to IT field
  • Health Law Concepts and Compliance

To conclude, if a person earns associate degree in this field than he is well prepared to join any of the occupation related to Healthcare Information Technology. The associate degree in this field teaches about how to use technology to bring together, scrutinizes, keep an eye on and maintain the details of physical condition data. These functions consist of other responsibility, dealing out and using health information for the clinical quality organization, regulating of clinical information, listing and repayment and giving out requirements for the discharge of individual fitness information.

The associates of applied science can be earned through the which will educate you with the professional skills of the field.

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Your Disability Is Protected Health Information

Health Information

Recently a friend of mine was challenged to disclose the reason she has a legally-obtained handicapped license plate. To those who confronted her, she did not appear as though she deserved a handicapped parking space. Her disability is invisible, yet fatal. Being forced to disclose the reason for her permit to complete strangers was humiliating. She just wanted to enjoy a nice outing with her family while she is still able.

This isn't the first time I've heard about such incidents.

While there will always be small-minded trolls, the backlash against invisible disabilities seems to be growing. It gets worse when politicians join in. In January 2015, Senator Rand Paul made it clear that he was among those who doubted the veracity of nearly half of all those currently receiving Social Security Disability Income (Kessler, Washington Post).
"What I tell people is, if you look like me and you hop out of your truck, you shouldn't be getting a disability check. Over half of the people on disability are either anxious or their back hurts - join the club. Who doesn't get a little anxious for work and their back hurts? Everybody over 40 has a back pain. And I am not saying that there are not legitimately people who are disabled. But the people who are the malingerers are the ones taking the money away from the people who are paraplegic, quadriplegic. You know, we all know people who are horrifically disabled and can't work, but if you have able bodied people taking the money, then there is not enough money for the people who are truly disabled."
The worst part about this statement is that he should know better. As a member of Congress, it is his job to oversee the budget. Social Security programs are a part of the national budget and are funded by payroll taxes earmarked specifically for retirement and disability. In 2014, the trustees of Social Security released the results (Trustess Report, of an investigation into fraud, waste, and abuse of Social Security benefits. The investigation revealed that less than 0.02% of all benefits were fraudulent. Contrary to Senator Paul's statement, malingering is not widespread within the Social Security program. In fact, the Social Security Administration does an excellent job of screening applicants and monitoring for fraud (Protecting your Investment, Nobody is "taking money away from" those more deserving because the disability application process is so rigorous.

What Social Security staff know that Senator Paul and others like him seemed to have missed is that disabilities include a lot more than just paraplegia or quadriplegia. In fact, some people with paraplegia have greater ability to work than those with less obvious disabilities. Disability benefits are awarded based on a person's ability to work. Those whose symptoms are severe enough to prevent them from working any type of job generally qualify for benefits. Many people with disabilities are able to work and excel at their jobs. They do not need, nor do they apply for, SSDI. Among those who apply, not all are approved. Many applicants spend years going through the appeals process before finally receiving benefits (Faces and Facts,

Disability status is protected information

The Health Information Protection and Portability Act (Health Information Privacy, protects patients from being forced to disclose information about their disability to anyone. If you are disabled, you are not required to justify your disability status to self-appointed "disability police". That information is private and protected by law. You may grant written permission for the release of limited information. You may also rescind that permission (in writing) at any time. No one has the right to demand you explain what justifies your access to SSDI, SSI, handicapped parking, or any other disability-related benefit.

Reasons you may choose to disclose information

Obviously, there are some people who need your health information in order to best help you. Your doctors would be useless without your health history. Still there are others who are not so obvious.
  • Physicians, dentists, psychologists, and other health care providers need access to health information from each other to improve treatment collaboration.
  • Health insurance companies need access to health information in order to process claims and pay out benefits.
  • Private disability insurance companies need access to health information in order to process claims for benefits.
  • The Social Security Administration needs access to health information in order to determine eligibility for disability benefits.
  • Employers need limited information when requesting accommodations in the workplace or asking to use FMLA.
  • The DMV needs limited information in order to issue a handicapped parking permit.
  • Attorneys need access to health records when retained to appeal a denial of benefits or pursue any legal action relating to disability.
  • School officials will need limited access to health information when determining eligibility for Special Education services.
  • Loved ones may need access to health information in a variety of situations such as emergency care, consent for treatment when a patient cannot communicate, etc.
Dealing with bullies

Knowing the facts won't prevent you from being cornered by loved ones, co-workers, or even complete strangers. Some people have poor boundaries. They think that it is their right to insert themselves into the privacy of others. No amount of knowledge on your part will stop them from being bullies. That's right. People who challenge your disability status are bullies. So don't reinforce their childish behavior by giving them what they want. Stand up to them and refuse to engage in their "prove it to me" game. If you are concerned that you might get flustered, then memorize some of these comebacks:
  • It is none of your business.
  • That's between me and my doctor.
  • Leave me alone.
On rare occasions, you may have to take additional measures. Some bullies don't know when to quit. Some may even violate local, state, or federal laws by continuing to harass you or in trying to impede your rights (blocking your path, pushing or shoving, etc.). Hopefully you never encounter such hostile behavior. In the event that it does occur, know that you have several options depending on the nature and location of the behavior.
  • Report a co-worker to Human Resources
  • File a written complaint to the Department of Labor for violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Information and Technical Assitance,
  • File a written complaint to the Department of Education for violation so the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Building a Legacy,
  • Contact security or the police
  • Petition the courts for an Order of Protection (OOP)
Get support

Some of us are fortunate to have supportive loved ones who will advocate on our behalf when we are most vulnerable. Many others struggle to face these challenges alone. If you are in the latter situation, please reach out for help. Find a sympathetic therapist, a friend, or support group. Go online if necessary. People are social creatures. We need others who understand, support, and love us unconditionally. We are all going to have bad days. The bullies who don't believe us have a knack for catching us off guard when we are most vulnerable. That is when we need our support system the most.

You have rights. You are not alone.


1. "Building a Legacy: IDEA 2004." U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.
2. Kessler, Glenn. "Rand Paul's Claim That 'over Half of the People on Disability Are Either Anxious or Their Back Hurts'." Fact Checker. The Washington Post, 23 Jan. 2015.
3. "Health Information Privacy." US Department of Health and Human Services.
4. "Information and Technical Assistance on The Americans with Disabilities Act." US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.
5. "Protecting Your Investment." Social Security Administration.
6. "The 2015 OASDI Trustees Report." Social Security Administration.
7. "The Faces and Facts of Disability." Social Security Administration. 2015.

Tammy Rome is a patient advocate and health blogger, specializing in chronic pain and other invisible disabilities. She holds a Master's degree in Professional Counseling, is a Certified Reiki Master and herbalist. She shares her extensive knowledge and personal experiences through blogging and patient education. Discover more about living with invisible disability by 

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Reduce the Risk of Bacterial Infections - Taking Care of Your Baby

Taking Care of Your Baby Health

Every parent wants the best for their baby. Taking care of their child's health is one of the major issue of concern for them. You don't need to be a health professional or a microbiologist to be an expert parent. However there are some very important things if you do you can have a happy and healthy baby.

Bacteria are everywhere. Luckily most of the microorganisms found in the environment are harmless but those which are dangerous can cause life threatening diseases.

Since newborns do not have a fully developed immune system they are at a larger risk of developing bacterial infections. As soon as your baby is born the first protective shield you give him is Colostrum.

Colostrum or first milk

The first yellowish sticky secretion from the mammary glands is Colostrum. It is produced right after birth and lasts for 3 days. After that Colostrum is no more produced. Colostrum is rich in nutrients and also has small quantities of antibodies. In spite of being in minute amount these antibodies are of such great importance that they protect the baby from respiratory and enteric infections.

Colostrum is almost like the first vaccine you give your baby.

Honey feeding: A very bad idea

Feeding honey to a newborn has been a tradition in almost every part of the world. But this tradition must not be followed.

The problem is not with honey it's basically the spores of a very nasty bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which is the cause of a life threatening disease infant botulism. Even if the live bacteria is not present in the honey and only the spores are present that can also pose a danger. Because if this honey is ingested by a newborn the spores will germinate in the intestine and release a very poisonous toxin which can cause paralysis, if not treated promptly it can result in death.

Therefore please do not give honey to your baby.

Take care of your baby's hygiene
  • Do not be tempted to save money on diapers. Clean your baby's bum as soon as you can when the diaper is dirty.
  • Wash your baby's bum with water rather than wiping. Washing protects from nappy rashes.
  • If the weather allows try to bathe your baby every alternate day.
  • Wash your baby's clothes separately
Keep an eye on the bedding
  • Always make sure your baby's sleeping area is free from dust. Fungal and mold spores are trapped in dust particles.
  • Wash the bed covers, pillow covers etc every month.
  • Do not keep many stuffed toys near the sleeping place.
Sterilize feeding equipments
  • Ask your pediatrician about the water quality in your area and what are his recommendations about sterilizing the water, in order to give your baby formula milk.
  • Before every feeding make it a habit to boil the feeding equipments (breast pump, bottles, nipples, rings, caps etc) in a pan of boiling of water for 5 minutes. Commercial steam sterilizers are also available for this purpose.
  • Always prepare a fresh bottle. Bacteria get transferred from your baby's mouth to the nipple and reusing that bottle increases the risk of contamination.
Once your baby starts to wean
  • Keep his utensils separate including pans, food grinder, serving bowls, spoons etc
  • Always use fresh fruits and vegetables. Wash them thoroughly in running water.
  • Keep cereals etc in airtight containers.
  • Keep the utensils cleaning sponge separate and do not clean with the regular home used sponge as some of the bacteria can be transferred in this way.
Oral hygiene

Once your baby starts weaning make it a habit to clean your baby's mouth every morning with a clean cotton cloth. Rub the gums gently. If your baby is teething he will enjoy it because the pressure you apply on the gums soothes the pressure coming for below.
Make it a point to remain updated with all the new research that's being done in the childcare dept. And also follow your instincts. Remember that you are the parent and you know what's best for your child.

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Healthy Eating - Three Fats You Need To Know About

Healthy Eating

Are you getting enough of the right fats in your daily eating plan? Many people struggle to consume adequate levels of healthy fats each and every day. Most will have no trouble consuming high levels of unhealthy fats if they are feasting on fast food, processed foods, and other convenience items. But, those are the type of fats you want out of your diet while you then bring the healthy fats back in.

To help make things easier for you, let's look at three significant oil sources of fats you should be considering to add to your eating plan. Each will enhance your health...

1. Coconut Oil. First, you have coconut oil. If you've been reading up on nutrition, chances are you have heard of this several times. Coconut oil is very popular right now because it offers a world of benefits both regarding your health and body composition.

Coconut oil is unlike other fats in that it's available immediately as an energy source for your body, so is perfect for those who are on a lower carb eating plan.
Also, coconut oil is also great for helping...
  • to boost your immune system,
  • to improve the health of your heart,
  • to reduce your risk of depression,
  • to accelerate healing,
  • to prevent disease, and
  • to keep your insulin sensitivity in check.
It's a can't miss out on healthy fat you need to get into your day.

2. Avocado Oil. Next, you have avocado oil. Avocado oil is very rich in unsaturated fats and will also provide you with an excellent dose of vitamin E. Think of this as the skin-health fat. Just a little bit will have your skin, hair, and nails looking fantastic.

Avocado oil has a lower smoke point, so use this oil as a salad dressing, or using it in any other recipe that calls for uncooked oil to be used.

3. Olive Oil. Finally, we can't speak about healthy fats and oils without mentioning olive oil. Olive oil is king when it comes to healthy fats. This unsaturated fat source will help...
  • to increase the levels of "good" or HDL cholesterol, you have in your body,
  • to decrease the levels of "bad" or LDL cholesterol,
  • to reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease, and can also help
  • to support proper brain function.
Just one word on buying olive oil, though - go for quality. Many olive oils on the market aren't of high quality. The ideal olive oil offers a slightly peppery taste and should not be yellow in color.
So keep these three oils in mind as you plan your weekly menu. Double check to ensure you are getting enough of the healthy fats you need each day.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Simple Health Tips That Can Save Your Life

Health Tips

Don't you wish life was as simple as in the good old days, when our grandparents summarized health hazards under three heads - curry, hurry and worry? Well, these three hazards have snowballed out of proportion and every person is at risk of major health hazards that can even prove fatal. How can you protect yourself? Check out these quick tips that can even save your life.

Quick Tips That Can Improve Your Health And Save Your Life :

Wash fruits and vegetables before you cook them. No matter how "organic" you think your food is, you can never really be sure unless you personally grow it. Chances are high that your food has come in contact with pesticides, even if not while being grown, at least in transit.

Don't skip your daily anti-oxidants. Many people swear by green tea these days, while still other retch at the thought of swallowing what tastes more like putrid rainwater! Green tea, though, is good for your health. A cup of green tea each day, coupled with fresh fruits and vegetables, can keep you healthy and prevent diabetes, stroke and even heart problems.

Cut down on sugars in your diet. Sugars are the ultimate killers and lead you on the path of illnesses. If your sweet tooth doesn't give you any peace, satisfy it with nothing more than 2 spoons of sugar for the entire day.

Keep your teeth healthy. Interestingly, rotten teeth have been the cause of numerous health problems, ear infections and even heart problems. Germs that lodge in rotten teeth can travel through your body wreaking havoc. A regular visit to your dentist is less scary than the complications that can arise from cherishing your decaying teeth!

Use comfortable and ergonomic chairs while working. Bad posture while working can lead to the curvature of your spine, snowballing into several other complications. Your workstation should be at a comfortable height, and choose a chair that allows you to rest your feet flat on the floor.

Exercise daily. Spend a good 20 minutes each day with any form of exercise - aerobics, stretches or a brisk walk. Exercises get your metabolism up and helps your body function well. People who exercise more regularly are known to live longer.

Beat stress as much as you can. Stress is a silent killer and claims more lives than many people care to admit. It is the root cause of many cases of sudden death, and can lead to unexplained illnesses that can't really be diagnosed with traditional medical diagnostics. Cut down on stress and you've taken one of the best steps to improve your lifestyle and lengthen your years.

There you have it! These are just a few doable tips to improve your health and even save your life. While you can really formulate an endless list of do's and don'ts for a better life, these few tips can do the job quite well. In fact, they cover most of the basics, and are quite simple to integrate with daily life. So what are you waiting for? Get started with these simple tips and literally "get a life"!

Check out more tips on healthy living at []

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What Are the 5 Healthy Foods for Your Baby?

Healthy Foods

Do you know that babies don't have to eat rice cereal as a first food?
The first taste of solid food a baby should have is a single ingredient, a food that is appropriate for their age. According to pediatricians, there are extremely good choices for first foods for babies such as the tasty and creamy avocados, sweet potatoes, and bananas. These nutritious foods are really great first foods for babies. These foods are easy to digest, full of vitamins, minerals, fats, and other nutrients that a baby needs.

Is your baby ready for solid foods?

Babies have small tummies, and because of that, they don't eat much. It is very important to make sure that the foods they take in are nutritious. There are many baby-friendly foods in the market, but some stand out in the pack. These culinary superheroes are filled with necessary nutrients, affordable cost, effortless to prepare, and appetizing. Here are the top 5 healthy and delicious foods for babies from 4 to 8 months old:

- Avocados - sometimes, avocados are thought of as a vegetable, but they are actually a fruit. Avocados contain everything a person needs to survive. Avocados are a rich source of monounsaturated fat, a good type of fat that helps in preventing heart disease and babies need it for the development of the brain. The fat composition of avocados is somewhat similar to breast milk. Avocado may be offered to babies as early as 4 - 6 months old. It is a wonderful first food for babies. Serve fresh, mashed avocados as baby's first food instead of refined cereals.

- Sweet potatoes - sweet potatoes are said to be a great source of potassium, fibre, vitamin C, and of beta-carotene, antioxidants that prevent cancer and free radicals. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, calcium, folate, and vitamin E too. Babies prefer to eat sweet potatoes compared to vegetables because of its naturally sweet taste. Potatoes are easy to eat even for babies who are just starting the transition to solid foods.

- Bananas - bananas are full of potassium that contributes to healthy blood pressure and healthy heart functions, and also fibre that supports a healthy digestive tract. Bananas are also high in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin B2. Bananas are perfectly portable and are easy to peel. They can be introduced to your baby as early as 4 months old. When serving bananas to a young baby, see to it that it is ripe and thoroughly mashed. Older babies can eat chopped bananas as finger foods, but they should also be ripe.

- Apples - apples contains the two types of fibre: the insoluble fiber and the soluble fiber. Both fibers contain pectin that helps in maintaining regular bowel. Apple promotes cardiovascular health, lung health, prostate, liver, and colon health, as well as bone health. Apples are easy to prepare, easy to digest, and very nutritious. Apples should be peeled for babies under 8 months of age.

- Squash - squash is rich in vitamin A and C. It is naturally sweet and has a creamy texture. It is a wonderful first food for the baby and is also rich in calcium. Squash may be offered for babies from 4 to 6 months old. The best way to cook squash for baby is to bake or to roast it.

Introducing solid foods to your baby is a huge milestone that will serve as the foundation for healthy eating habits. They will probably eat 1/2 of a tablespoon portion of food the first time you introduce solid food. Always remember that breast milk/infant formula are providing for the total nutrition of your baby at this early stage.

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Top 10 Health Care Careers

Health Care

There are many different careers in health care, but these top 10 health care careers are the best choices of the moment. Considering factors such as job outlook, requirements for entry level positions, salary and benefits, this list includes the top 10 health care careers that are in demand today and will be around in the future:

1. Physician assistants
2. Medical records technicians
3. Social workers
4. Clinical laboratory technicians
5. Mental health counselor
6. Medical scientists
7. Pharmacists
8. Physical therapists
9. Medical transcriptionists
10. Medical and health service managers.

Physician assistants are high on the list of the top 10 healthcare jobs because they provide very important services such as diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive healthcare services as delegated by a physician. 

The requirements include two-year accredited education programs and the passage of a national exam, and the pay is typically around $63,000/year. Medical records technicians also have very important jobs, as they are in charge of maintaining and evaluating the accuracy of patient medical records. 

This job requires an associate's degree, and the average annual salary is roughly $32,000/year before benefits and bonuses. The medical transcription job is another position that requires an associate's degree and pays an annual salary in the $30,000s.

Social workers and mental health counselors deal more with the mental health and well-being of patients. These jobs require four-year degrees or master's degrees and pay $40,000-$58,000/year. Clinical laboratory technicians and medical scientists are involved in tests that result in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of disease, and research to provide information to develop solutions to human health problems. Lab techs need bachelor's degrees and earn $27,000-$32,000/year, while scientists need at least a doctorate in a biological science and can earn $88,000-$103,000/year.

Physical therapists help restore function, improve mobility and relieve pain for patients suffering from injuries and ailments. It requires at least a master's degree and state licensing. They earn $53,000-$67,000 a year, while pharmacists can earn $100,000 annual salaries with bachelor's degrees. The last job on the list, medical and health service manager, often requires a master's degree in health sciences or administration, and pays $55,000-$68,000/year.

Find top healthcare schools [] and top allied healthcare degrees [] programs on

This is an online allied healthcare education resource for all those students who want to make their career in allied health science. Browse site for more information on allied health care education.

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The Significance of Health Care Education

Health Care Education

Before we come to the practice of health care education, we must know the principles involved. Health care education brings together the art and science of medicine along with the principles and practice of general education. The link is to be found in the social and behavioral sciences which include sociology, psychology and social anthropology.

Health care education can not be 'given' to one person by another. It involves, among other things, the teaching, learning and inclusion of habits concerned with the objective of healthy living.

The definition adopted by World Health Organization in 1969 and the Alma Ata declaration adopted in 1978 provide a useful basis for formulating the aims and objectives of health care education that may be described as :

o To promote the proper use of healthcare service available to the general people.

o To encourage them to adopt and maintain health promoting lifestyle and practices.

o To develop interest, endow with newer knowledge, improve skills and change attitudes in making rational decisions to solve their own problems.

o To stimulate the individual and community self-reliance and participation to achieve health development through individual and community involvement at every step from identifying problems to solving them.

The educational objectives are aimed to the group to be taught in the health care educational program. The objectives flow from the health needs which have been discovered or invented.

They should be carefully and unambiguously defined in terms of knowledge to be acquired, behavior to be to be acquired or actions to be mastered. They must be pertinent if the program is to be appropriate and successful.

The focus of health education is on people and on action. Its goal is to make realistic improvements in the basic quality of life. Many health education programs hope, in some way, to influence behavior or attitudes. The implication of these newer concepts is that health care education is an integral part of the national health goals. The fact remains that effective health education has the potential for saving many lives than has any one research discovery in the foreseeable future.

We all know that 'Prevention is better than cure'. Health care education will bring us the knowledge how we can prevent the disease before it surfaces in any individual. In the US, more than 130 billion dollars are spent last year to treat the patients suffering from diseases. By paying one fifth of the amount, incidence of many fatal diseases can be prevented. The surplus amount can be spent to another developmental work for the society.

Healthcare educating will make the standard of living better. Therefore, the status of a particular society will be lifted up. Better habitation, living, education, trade will make us a better human being. This is particularly important for the developing countries where there is not enough money to spend treating diseases through modern approach. It is always better to spend some money to healthcare education in order to lift the level of health consciousness among the common people.

Carlisle Holm is the owner of Health Care Blog. He writes various health news and health care articles. Feel free to visit our site for daily health news and articles.

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Why Choose Home Health Test Kits?

Health Tests

The privacy and convenience of health testing has become possible nowadays by the creation of the medically approved home kits that help people determine whether they are facing a health crisis or not long before going to a clinic for investigations. The market trend today is to allow people to test for a variety of ailments and health problems, whether with instant results or not. Though in the majority of cases you are able to determine the problem right away, in some cases, various samples are taken at home and then sent to a certified laboratory for professional analysis.

What are the benefits of home health test kits? For chronic patients, constant visits to the doctor and a large number of regular analyses cost a small fortune. People now have the opportunity to monitor their health state in the comfort and privacy of their home, saving lots of money that would otherwise go for expensive laboratory fees. Home health test kits are FDA approved for a variety of health conditions; however it is always advisable to check certification to make sure you buy a quality product. Such tests now identify some of the most complex viruses such as the C hepatitis one.

In the past, heart disease or diabetes could only be identified with the help of very reliably collected fresh blood samples; fortunately modern technology has enabled the creation of special test kits that only require a small quantity of dried blood in order to accurately develop the identification algorithm. For blood collection, there are all sorts of devices that contain some special chemical compounds incorporated that rapidly separate the blood cells from the serum. 

Afterwards, the sample may be sent to the laboratory and the results will arrive via mail within a few days.

With regular blood sample collecting, it was not uncommon for chronic patients to develop anemia because of the lowering of the blood quantity due to frequent testing. Very often home tests are followed by other consultation services that many medical centers provide; the system represents a great facility for the patients, particularly if they are chronic sufferers, elder people or inhabitants of very remote areas with little access to medical facilities. The home health test kits are designed to serve the needs of all the family members, on condition that the usage recommendations are closely followed; thus you make sure the results are correct and relevant for the health state.

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Child Health - What Can We Do?

Child Health

There is a lot of concern about child health in America at the moment. This is not a new phenomenon - Calvin Coolidge instigated the annual 'Child Health Day' in 1928. It is held on the first Monday of October each year. Health professionals from all over America meet to discuss child nutrition, fitness, obesity and health education.

Most health professionals agree that the key to healthy choices is education from an early age before bad habits have time to form. Parents need to protect and develop their children's health from the outset.

Apparently, one in six children in America is obese and this can lead to health problems such as asthma, diabetes and heart disease.

What Can We Do?

The problem today is that children have access to computers, electronic games and of course television. Obviously these are all sedentary pastimes and children are not getting enough exercise.

In the past children would play out on the street with their friends running here, there and everywhere - only coming home when they were hungry or it was getting dark. These days' security conscious parents are not willing to allow their children out alone - it is much easier and safer to let them sit in front of the television or on a computer. In addition, because of time constraints and work commitments, children are usually driven everywhere by parents.

One solution to this problem is to enroll your child in one of the many child education schemes available. Many of these schemes combine games and exercise and learning and can greatly enhance your child's social and behavioural skills.

A Child's Diet Is Important.

Another major problem in child health care is diet.

Firstly it is important to lead by example - overweight parents tend to have overweight children. Serve a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and watch the portion size - a seven or eight year old does not need an adult portion. Cut down on snacks and fizzy drinks - or make sure snacks are healthy. Children can easily get used to peeled baby carrots (very crunchy and sweet), apple and banana slices or seedless grapes.

If you take your child to one of the excellent child education schemes make sure their lunch box is packed with healthy food.

You can provide peeled sliced raw vegetables with a yoghurt dip, some whole grain bread, a favourite fruit, some cold chicken, a mixed salad with sweet corn and grated carrot - and to drink, water or semi-skimmed milk. Whatever you do leave out the cookies, chips, chocolate and fizzy drinks!

Artur Cosicov is a free lance article writer, Blogger and Internet Marketer from RM. He mostly writes about child health [] and child education []

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What Is Public Health?

Communities especially need to be encouraged to observe simple procedures that will keep the larger population healthy. The basic idea of public health is to maintain a well catered for system to provide protective as well as treatment plans to maintain healthy lifestyles. This is through research, injury management as well as protection against possible dangers to a healthy public.

Through research, experts will on their side make an analysis of genetic health, environmental maintenance. They will also encourage positive personal choices to ensure that people are well informed on certain dangers that could engulf them. With this, the US government facilitates programs that will ensure the health of families is well maintained.

All in all the reason we have public health departments is to ensure that the entire population is well catered for. This is to protect them from possible harm such as communicable diseases from poor environment. The entire population of the country is well catered for through smaller community initiatives that are maintained through the local councils. This is one way that the public health system is to be kept alive and robust to lookout for a healthy society.

The main struggle for public health professionals is to keep people informed of various dangers that could engulf them. They take responsibility to ensure that the educational facilities are kept on record and early warning systems are put in place. With this, the monitoring is done on a regular basis. This is in line to ensure that in case an outbreak is in the offing, they are able to quickly contain it and put in place research methods and mitigate the situation before it gets out of control.

The public health of the United States relies on strict and workable policies to ensure that service are well administered. The regulation of health systems is the crucial task that they should be able to take care of the communities. As a matter of fact, some communities do have poor people who are not able to afford insurance for them and their families. That is why the mitigation structures ensure that these kinds of policies are made clear.

The larger part of the community does undergo some difficult moments that need to be carefully analyzed. They should be able to take care of reducing such disparities that characterize the achievement of public health. The main thing is to ensure that is a working equity program that provides quality and accessible health care for all.

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Benefits of Public Health Education

Public health education can be considered an ambiguous term. It teaches the proper way to improve one's health, and can involve only one or two people, or the population of several countries. Anything that can seriously threaten the physical, mental, or spiritual health of a wide range of people, notably due to their interactions with one another, can be classified as a threat to the community's public health. This is why public health education becomes a necessary tool to aid people against the spread of potential diseases and illnesses. Five of the most important reasons of how public health education can prove beneficial are as follows:

1. People are able to learn how to prevent the spread of communicable diseases through the training and methods being taught in education. People are able to have better access to information regarding general prevention of diseases, including the knowledge of what to do and how to act during epidemics in their area. Certain diseases have their own individual prevention methods that people should be well aware of, and employing these techniques lessens the risk of being infected by possible diseases. Through public health education, even simple things such as wearing a flu mask in particularly affected areas, or knowing when to take vaccines for a particular illness that is prominent at that time of the year, always proves very effective in limiting the number of people affected annually.

2. More people are able to access private and public medical institutions to prevent diseases or medical conditions, or to better treat them. Without the benefits of a public health education, most people may feel healthy enough and not find the need to go for a general check-up. Being aware that it is necessary to see your doctor regularly is one of the important things learned in a good public health education. Most medical hospitals and clinics offer immunization or vaccine shots during the flu seasons, or when a general outbreak of hepatitis is going around, and a public health education ensures that more people know to go to these facilities and avail of the treatment, thereby lessening the amount of ill people.

3. People are able to adopt a healthier behavior to lessen the risk of diseases being spread among themselves. Keeping things cleaner around the house, opting to lessen or quit smoking altogether, or exercising more are just a few of the many different ways taught in public health education to combat sickness and improve one's lifestyle.

4. People become more aware of information relating to the disease, rather than believing in just public perception. Public health education not only deals with how to prevent illnesses, it also provides details of how a disease works, which may dispel some myths and fallacies about it in society. The HIV virus for example, can be spread through unprotected sexual intercourse, but not through activities such as kissing or touching. This also helps change a person's views towards someone infected, promoting more empathy rather than discrimination.

5. People are able to help and contribute to disease prevention by supporting or volunteering at health care facilities. Public health education is more than just spreading information; it also calls people to actively participate in aiding others. To be able to protect one's health, it is also necessary to protect the health of other people around you, and helps foster a more close-knit community and a better sense of camaraderie.
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